116 Pine St
Florence, Alabama 35630

Turn-key Restaurant/Bar  

Inquire about this property    

Listing Agent: Shoals Commercial LLC
Telephone: 2567643137
Email: chad@calltrp.com

Property Type: Commercial
Attached/Detached:  Attached Home
Floors:  1
Year Built: 2023


  • Commercial Kitchen
  • Fully equipped bar area
  • Walk-in cooler/freezer
  • Lease includes all equipment and furnishings in place
  • Open floor plan
  • Outdoor patio seating
  • Refinished wood floors and exposed vintage brick wall
  • High exposed ceilings
  • High traffic corner lot
  • Approximately 4500SF
  • Remodeled 2023

Call today to set up a viewing of this prime restaurant location.  256-764-3137.





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contact us

Tim Rhodes Properties, LLC

210 E Tennessee Street

Suite 201

Florence, Alabama 35630

Telephone: 256-764-3137

Email: trpinfo@calltrp.com